Return Policy

You may only return products that are damaged, defective, unopened/sealed, and in resellable condition within 7 days of receiving product or refund. If there is a problem with any product that you receive, you must notify us within 48 hours of receiving the product to ensure our knowledge of a broken seal or incorrectly stored product on-arrival. In rare cases, we might offer a product credit if the situation deems relevant. If we have agreed to refund or credit you for a product, we will reimburse the return shipping costs if the return is the result of our error - incorrect or damaged product. All product returns must be accompanied with a written statement detailing the reasons for the return and a copy of the appropriate invoice.

No RMA is needed and the customer is responsible for return shipping costs. If you have any questions about whether you product is eligible to return, please feel free to email us at**Please also note that we do not have a money back guarantee, as CBD affects everyone differently.

**Returns Process: Email us at ASAP to alert us that you will be returning your product within the 7 day time limit for return authorization. Once you have shipped your product back to us - please also email the tracking number to so we can be on the lookout.

Once we received your product back at our facility and can confirm it's condition, we will then issue a refund at a 20% restocking fee then email you a confirmation. Please allow 7-10 business days for the refund to post to your statement.​